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Three residential staff greet students with megaphone on move-in day

The Orientation Coordinator Blog

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Check here every week for new updated blog posts form our Orientation Coordinators and fellow students as they share stories, experiences, and more relating to their journeys to and through Stanford University. These blog posts are written by the students, for the incoming class of Frosh and Transfers. Their stories are unique, individual, and reflective of their time both before and during their Stanford experience.

I Am Stanford

Click here to learn more about our Community Coordinators, Orientation Coordinators, and friends as they speak to what makes them Stanford.

Academic Themes

Hear about classes, professors, credits, majors, and more from the students in the know. From Engineering to SymSys, PoliSci to Fine Arts - we've got a story for you! 

Staff greet new students on move-in day.

Campus Life

Click here to find out more about our various offerings of campus life, told through the students who make campus a lively, wacky, and memorable place.

Photo collage of NSO student community coordinators from top to bottom: AANSOC, BROC, CLOC, NAOC. Photo credit: NSO.

Community Centers, Ethnic, and Academic Themed Houses

Find stories here from our students who are actively engaged with our various community centers, living in community at ethnic or academic themed dorms, and more.